Become a New Patient
1. Complete the new patient packet to begin treatment.
You will be asked to upload pictures of your insurance cards. And in the same form continue to complete full intake packet.
TMS treatment can be covered by insurance but requires a prior authorization. See screening form below that covers most of the insurance requirements/stipulations.​​
No Wait list for TMS
Spravato- Due to high demand, this service currently has a wait list.
If you are unsure if you can attest please call 509-415-3507 and we can answer your questions.
2. Complete Intake
In the screening form if you are able to check all of the boxes you can continue to complete the full intake packet.
This includes Insurance ID upload
Medical, family and Social History
Current and Past Medication List
Review of Systems
3. Schedule an intake appointment
Once you submit the above form with screening and packet done, we will call to schedule.
4. Ongoing Treatment
Depending on service provided we will begin the prior authorization process. for Spravato and TMS it can vary as to how long this takes based on insurance. Once insurance approves treatment and in the case of Spravato medication is delivered. we will schedule your treatment appointments.